President’s Challenge Social Enterprise Networking
This networking event is held biennially to foster greater collaborations among stakeholders and Social enterprises and on alternate years, an award ceremony is held. The President’s Challenge Social Enterprise Award (PCSEA) is a prestigious accolade conferred by the President’s Office to honour and recognise exceptional social enterprises for their contributions made to the local community.
The conversations for the President’s Challenge Social Enterprise Networking (PCSEN) bring to light the many ways that corporates can make social enterprises part of their sustainability journey. Panel discussions encourage the sharing of experiences in assimilating social enterprises into their core businesses, and on how those efforts have translated into business growth while doing social good sustainably.
PCSEN Event 2020
Date: Friday, 23rd October 2020
Time: 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Venue: Virtual Platform - Zoom
This year’s PCSEN programme will feature a panel discussion centred on key leadership lessons gleaned from the COVID-19 crisis and how it can be applied to encourage a more resilient and innovative Social Enterprise ecosystem.
Panel Discussion: RIDING THE STORMS – Leadership for the New Norm
While COVID 19 global situation is unprecedented in terms of its impact to the economy, society, and people, it has provided opportunities for a new type of leadership that is able to drive collaborative initiatives for positive social impact. In the Social Enterprise ecosystem envisioned by raiSE, we set the stage for leaders in the private, people and public sectors to come together for a common goal, where in doing good together, we become stronger together
- Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker, Parliament of Singapore
- Ms Anita Fam, President, National Council of Social Service
- Ms Karen Ngui, Head of Group Strategic Marketing and Communications, DBS Bank, and DBS Foundation board member
- Mr Alfie Othman, CEO, Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise, raiSE
- Dr. Kenneth Goh, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Singapore Management University - Moderator
As this event is by invitation only, please write in to if you would like to participate.